True Blue Gen X-er

Just a 30's something Michigan fan living in C-bus....

Thing #23 - The End 7:56 PM

Not really the end as I have all these cool things to play with but, the official end of L&P. First, THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible. All the way from Mgt for supporting, to Joy&Gerald, to the rest of the TP members to my peers for helping. This was by far the coolest thing!! Ok, so now that my sucking up is done, let me summarize my experience.

Faves had to be: Twitter, Google Docs, and Delicious. With an honerable mention to Wikis for intriquing me!

Starting with Michael Stephens presentation, this has opened my eyes to transparency, radical trust, and working smarter. This was fun and it definately makes me want to learn more that the tip of the iceberg that was presented here. That reinforces that I am a lifelong learner.

Unexpected outcomes or takeaways... Really the fact that there is so much out there and it is growing so fast! And to summarize the Common Craft guy: THERE IS A BETTER WAY!

I thought the program was very varied and I didn't have trouble on anything. KUDOS!! There was ample time because you don't want to drag this out forever, but many co-workers had trouble finishing, so I would say setting aside blocks of time to "force focus" staff who wanted to participate.

Absolutely 100% would participate again. THANKS!