True Blue Gen X-er

Just a 30's something Michigan fan living in C-bus....

Thing #12 - Twitter 5:11 PM

I signed up for Twitter and there are a lot of us here at the library that use it regularly. It was very cool that I could work on my spreadsheet and still follow Library Joy and HBlowers to find out the gist of Pat's presentation. I also searched and found out my alma mater is experiencing budget cuts and laid off 48 workers. I also searched gas prices and found that a lot of people are excited about the drop in prices. I really like the idea of Twitter and microblogging. I am more interested in people's day to day interactions and the fact that you can get info fast!!! Blogs are good for sharing thoughts, but if I want to know someone's thoughts, I would rather call them and have a conversation!!

BTW, my Twitter log in is Jabbott88!