True Blue Gen X-er

Just a 30's something Michigan fan living in C-bus....

Thing #13 - Delicious 4:37 PM

Wow, this is my fave so far. I love that you can have all of your bookmarked sites available on any computer. I love that you can lock a site and make notes, (so that you can hide your password hints right there) and I love the easy TAG button on the browser. Finally, I love that you can search for other tags and find popular websites that others have already seen and tagged for themselves. This is a great way to filter thru all the info out there.

I think that in time, I will be able to research some job related items and tag them to get some really specific information.

I also have to say that the Common Craft Video was way more helpful that the 8 min one. Maybe it's the visuals, but he makes everything so simplified...

A last shout out to Gerald for helping me! Thanks!