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True Blue Gen X-er
Just a 30's something Michigan fan living in C-bus....
Extra Credit - 10 Random Things | 8:12 PM |
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1) Been skydiving
2) Don't own an iron or buy dry clean clothes - too high maintenance
3) Joss Whedon fan
4) was a bully in high school : (
5) hates coffee - gets a 'morning jolt' from sugar
6) believes in karma
7) likes to decorate cakes (from kid b-day to small wedding cakes)
8) loves the beach/boating
9) very claustrophobic
10) major in college was Biology/Environmental Science - wanted to grow up to be like Jane Goodall or work at Sea World as an animal trainer
Thing #23 - The End | 7:56 PM |
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Not really the end as I have all these cool things to play with but, the official end of L&P. First, THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible. All the way from Mgt for supporting, to Joy&Gerald, to the rest of the TP members to my peers for helping. This was by far the coolest thing!! Ok, so now that my sucking up is done, let me summarize my experience.
Faves had to be: Twitter, Google Docs, and Delicious. With an honerable mention to Wikis for intriquing me!
Starting with Michael Stephens presentation, this has opened my eyes to transparency, radical trust, and working smarter. This was fun and it definately makes me want to learn more that the tip of the iceberg that was presented here. That reinforces that I am a lifelong learner.
Unexpected outcomes or takeaways... Really the fact that there is so much out there and it is growing so fast! And to summarize the Common Craft guy: THERE IS A BETTER WAY!
I thought the program was very varied and I didn't have trouble on anything. KUDOS!! There was ample time because you don't want to drag this out forever, but many co-workers had trouble finishing, so I would say setting aside blocks of time to "force focus" staff who wanted to participate.
Absolutely 100% would participate again. THANKS!
Thing #14 - Library 2.0 | 7:47 PM |
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I enjoyed To a Temporary Place in Time that spoke of Commodity, Product, and 3D then to the neolibrary. I am not afraid or think libraries are in trouble. On contrair, I believe libraries will have a firm grasp in future society. Libraries are people and services and 'sell' experiences. I believe that we are on the cutting edge and hire the best and brightest that will always propel us into the future.
Thing #22 - MOLDI | 7:36 PM |
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This was pretty easy to use. Downloads took a while though. I can see a demand for this, but not sure how I feel about it. I don't have an iPod or carry my laptop everywhere I go. I am not into audiobooks and would just rather read the real book turning the pages. Not my fave, but I can def see how others would love it.
Thing #21 - Podcasting | 7:23 PM |
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I have listened to podcasts before. I did find some personal podcasts that I wouldn't mind listening to. However, this is not something I would use daily. They mostly fall into the genre of talk radio stations. I tried looking up technology or HR and didn't find a lot.
The one idea that I have heard is to have training podcasts. You could take it a step further and have excercise equipment in the library, and while staff worked out, they could listen to training podcasts on various topics. This way you are combining wellness, with training all on work time. Yeah right....
I have a limited attention span and would only like to see podcasts be 5 mins or less...
Thing #19 - CML Power Tools | 6:54 PM |
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This is pretty cool too. The Tooling Around blog is very interesting and between the latest post and Gerald's comments, I finally switched to Firefox. Joy's posting was colorful and I can't wait to add my own "rays of sunshine" ie add-ons. haha Not much else to say except CML rocks.
Thing #18 - Web 2.0 tools | 6:38 PM |
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Ok, so I already use a some these sights. My hubby joined FaceBook and all of my friends found him and are urging me to join, so once the 23 things are finished I will. Google Maps is cool and I love looking up where people live. Craigslist is another favorite. I am hearing great things about Pandora. And obviously, the ones I learned here on L&P.
We can spend a lot of time on this and I hope that it continues in the future. It makes me wonder what in the world my kids are going to be able to get into as they get older. Amazing....
Thing # 17 - Google Docs | 6:20 PM |
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Ok, so I have a new favorite! Being in HR where most of my work is done via spreadsheet, document or power-point, this is awesome! I hate getting the many emails with "updated numbers", "newest list" or the infamous, "Last_Last_Really Last Document". I am already a proponent of making this required of our dept. Maybe I am getting a little too zealous though!
On a personal note, I also love this and have utilized it. We have a MAC laptop at home and I keep my budgeting in excel. I have always said that I needed a way to get my documents online. Genious!!
Thing #16 - Add to Wiki Sandbox | 5:44 PM |
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Well, that was easy enough. Thanks again to Gerald for reminding me that you needed to sign up for permission to the sandbox in advance, which I did yesterday. This little procrastinator almost missed out!!
Despite other bloggers, I like wiki's. They seem very easy to use and rely on the concept of "team effort." My style is very collaborative and that is why I think I like this more than others.
Again, after I get my flashdrive, I want to come back and explore this further.
Thing #15 - Wiki's | 5:14 PM |
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Another cool tool. I am liking these more as I go.... My favorite was the St Joseph Public Library Subject Guides.
Again the Common Craft video is amazing at simplifying things. The example they used really makes me think I can use this in multiple ways, personally and professionally. Perhaps our PMQ team can educate Project Managers on creating and using Wiki;s for the Tactical Plans. It is so hard coordinating everyone's thoughts and follow up assignments. Also, I heard an idea a few months ago that our inTRAnet should be set up as a wiki. Interesting....
But I suppose the million $ question is - how hard is it to design and create wiki's on your own? I am finding that a well done wiki that is easy to read is very useful and informative, however, if it looks sloppy or the design is not quite up to standards, then I don't even want to read it. I would really like to take the time to create a wiki of my own.
Maybe this can be an idea for Learn & Play Web 2.1. Focusing on really delving into using these tools in our everyday lives.
Thing #13 - Delicious | 4:37 PM |
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Wow, this is my fave so far. I love that you can have all of your bookmarked sites available on any computer. I love that you can lock a site and make notes, (so that you can hide your password hints right there) and I love the easy TAG button on the browser. Finally, I love that you can search for other tags and find popular websites that others have already seen and tagged for themselves. This is a great way to filter thru all the info out there.
I think that in time, I will be able to research some job related items and tag them to get some really specific information.
I also have to say that the Common Craft Video was way more helpful that the 8 min one. Maybe it's the visuals, but he makes everything so simplified...
A last shout out to Gerald for helping me! Thanks!
Thing #11: LibraryThing | 11:44 PM |
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I didn't quite understand thing #11. I mean, yes find people who read the same things you do. However, I have 2 little kids and almost no time to read anything interesting. I think this is a way to make one look smart or worldy, so I did pick some books I read in the past that I liked as well as a few kiddie books that I am legitimately reading. Hopefully, it will make me look "bookish and interesting." So far this is my least fave Thing....
Thing # 10 - Online Generators | 11:25 PM |
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Thing #9 - Finding Feeds | 10:43 PM |
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The search sites were a little too crowded for easy perusing this late night and as a procsrastinator trying to accomplish all 23 things, I found Syndic8 to be the quickest and easiest to use. Typed in what I wanted and there is was - easy! Although, Technorati was interesting as well. I liked being able to find other blogs that were based on intersting topics. You have to really read the post though. It isn't always true to topic. I searched on HRIS Technology (a relatively obscure topic I know) but found a interesting post by JibberJobber's blog talking about conferences. Then at closer look at his blog, I realized that this was really about providing advice for job seekers. Not exactly what I had in mind....
Thing # 8: RSS Feeds | 9:58 PM |
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I really like RSS Feeds as it saves me time looking for information. However, I don't know that the Bloglines website is my favorite place to keep them organized. Now, if I can just take the time to track down some really good feeds.
Thing #12 - Twitter | 5:11 PM |
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I signed up for Twitter and there are a lot of us here at the library that use it regularly. It was very cool that I could work on my spreadsheet and still follow Library Joy and HBlowers to find out the gist of Pat's presentation. I also searched and found out my alma mater is experiencing budget cuts and laid off 48 workers. I also searched gas prices and found that a lot of people are excited about the drop in prices. I really like the idea of Twitter and microblogging. I am more interested in people's day to day interactions and the fact that you can get info fast!!! Blogs are good for sharing thoughts, but if I want to know someone's thoughts, I would rather call them and have a conversation!!
BTW, my Twitter log in is Jabbott88!
Thing #5 - Explore Interesting Picture on Flickr | 5:03 PM |
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I am from Barnesville Ohio and the most interesting thing about Barnesville is the fact that every year, they crown a King Pumpkin at the Pumkin Festival. This is a huge deal and the town practically shuts down for a long weekend to celebrate. There is a parade, rides, games and tons of festival food. It is a lot of fun. I am glad to see that others in the small town can take pictures and upload them to FLickr.
Thing #7 - Technology Post | 10:37 PM |
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Ok, so I can write about a slew of technology things. I decided to focus on a product that I am having to look into for a potential Xmas present - Scottevest. This is a company that sells clothing (jackets, coats, pants, etc...) that help you contain all your gadgets such as iPod, Cell, Camera, CrackBerry.... Basically, there is an internal lining with clear touch fabric pockets to hold your gadgets. The clear touch fabric allows you to turn on the gadgets without taking them out of the pocket. Also, you can wire your ear buds thru the coat and have them come thru the top of the collar. You pull the collar up over your ear, and VOILA, your earbuds are there. Personally, I think this is lame. However, I have been assured that this is a great technology that can easily and securely carry all the gear for on the go. While I don't know that this is a good gift for my hubby, I was intriqued by the product demos.
Thing #6 | 10:21 PM |
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Disappointment | 11:47 AM |
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Ok, so we knew that Michigan was going to have a rough year with a new coach, new system, new players, yada yada. However, I didn't really believe it would be this dismal. In the Big 10, teams re-load; not rebuild. But I think that ship has sailed....
First a loss to Utah that was waay uglier than the score portrayed. Next, barely a win to Miami, Ohio!?! It really is going to be a bad year.
What is even more disappointing, is that my quarterback Tom Brady is now rumored to be out of commission for the entire season with a knee injury.
I may just have to write off this sports year and take up knitting with Gerald.
An Apple a Day... | 11:45 AM |
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I don't know if I really noticed before, but there are a lot of kids in this store that really know what is going on! Young kids too! I watched them for awhile, and these kids in the picture were clicking away like pros.
They are setting the bar high for future generations. We have come a long way in a short time (how many of us remember Pong?), and this picture serves a good reminder to ALL of us that: an Apple (computer) a day is good for you!!
Pretty | 12:08 AM |
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the Boys | 12:07 AM |
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Zach on Flickr | 12:03 AM |
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Cameron on Flickr | 11:56 PM |
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7 1/2 Habits... | 4:35 PM |
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My easiest habit is to Play. I believe it a necessity to enjoy your work and always try to make things fun.
The hardest habit is creating my own learning toolbox. I often jump in without having all the tools I need and then find myself having to improvise.
Learn & Play | 1:05 PM |
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I really enjoyed Michael Stephen's presentation as our kick off to Learn & Play. It was a very appropriate presentation, as the focus was about adapting to change and the emerging of global technology. There were 3 unique things that jumped out at me....
First, (and this was such a little part but so very amusing) the ridiculous-ness of some of the rules and signs you see everywhere (esp in other libraries). For example, the ones that tell you absolutely NO cell phones in public areas. Sure, cells phones can be rude but they connect us to our world. Everyone uses cell phones nowadays. If you try to ban them, what is the likelihood that people will spend time in your establishment. Instead of a total ban, encourage texting or put them on vibrate. Another example of a riduculous rule is where you offer cool services to teens and then tell them not to talk or be loud. That is what teens do. This part of the presentation just made me laugh, because I have always had a tendency to ignore stupid rules. I am really good at finding the rules that contradict what you are intending. Now there is someone out there encouraging all of us to look for this.
Second, I really enjoyed the graph that broke down how each generation was utilizing the internet. I find it fascinating. Right now, 83% of my fellow Gen X-ers are spectators or inactive to the many forms of social media whereas 70% of the 18-21 yr olds are joiners to these sites. And 57% of teens create content. I like to think about how this could translate...
If young adults are already used to talking with people from other countries about games, sports and other hobbies, then they are probably not going to be afraid to reach out to discuss issues such as the environment, travel, commerce, and war vs peace solutions. We already know these are global problems, but don't really tackle them at a global level. There has never really been a way to do this before outside of politics. Now the possibilities are endless. We should encourage and embrace this global communication as it could really change how we solve these big problems.
Finally, the idea of radical trust. This is probably a little corny, but thinking about trust makes me feel like a kid again. When parents could let you leave the house on your bike (without a helmet) trusting you would come back by dinner. Where you could still walk to school (without getting flashed or worse) and go trick-or-treating and trust the candy you are eating is safe. Where stopping to help a stranger was not dangerous! Nowadays, you can't trust anyone! I am not 100% on-board with radical trust at these sites because of everything I know, but the ideal is a good one.
Well, thanks again CML and Michael Stephens for inspiring the life-long learner in me!!
Hello! | 3:48 PM |
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Welcome to my first ever blog. I have lurked and posted to other blogs before (it's entertaining to guess the personalities of others based on their blog name), but have never taken the time or initiative to create my own. How fun!! I hate to brag to my friends outside the library, but I just can't believe I have a job that pays me to PLAY. My hubby says I have a charmed life and I am starting to believe him....
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