True Blue Gen X-er

Just a 30's something Michigan fan living in C-bus....

Thing #9 - Finding Feeds 10:43 PM

The search sites were a little too crowded for easy perusing this late night and as a procsrastinator trying to accomplish all 23 things, I found Syndic8 to be the quickest and easiest to use. Typed in what I wanted and there is was - easy! Although, Technorati was interesting as well. I liked being able to find other blogs that were based on intersting topics. You have to really read the post though. It isn't always true to topic. I searched on HRIS Technology (a relatively obscure topic I know) but found a interesting post by JibberJobber's blog talking about conferences. Then at closer look at his blog, I realized that this was really about providing advice for job seekers. Not exactly what I had in mind....