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True Blue Gen X-er
Just a 30's something Michigan fan living in C-bus....
Thing #7 - Technology Post | 10:37 PM |
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Ok, so I can write about a slew of technology things. I decided to focus on a product that I am having to look into for a potential Xmas present - Scottevest. This is a company that sells clothing (jackets, coats, pants, etc...) that help you contain all your gadgets such as iPod, Cell, Camera, CrackBerry.... Basically, there is an internal lining with clear touch fabric pockets to hold your gadgets. The clear touch fabric allows you to turn on the gadgets without taking them out of the pocket. Also, you can wire your ear buds thru the coat and have them come thru the top of the collar. You pull the collar up over your ear, and VOILA, your earbuds are there. Personally, I think this is lame. However, I have been assured that this is a great technology that can easily and securely carry all the gear for on the go. While I don't know that this is a good gift for my hubby, I was intriqued by the product demos.
Thing #6 | 10:21 PM |
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